Harlingen area resident, Dylan Combs continues to wonder why the supply of bananas he bought a week ago have gone uneaten. "I don't buy a lot, like four or five at the most," Combs commented. "You would think that someone in this house would eat at least one or something, but they haven't been touched." And this is not the first time that bananas have gone uneaten in the Combs household. "The last time I bought bananas the same thing happened. I suppose I should have figured it out by now," Combs reported during a telephone interview.
Impassioned pleas have gotten him nowhere either. "Just the other day I begged the kids to eat one, you know because they are healthy and have vitamins and all that noise. Did they bother? No". Their mother seems equally disinterested. "I even asked my wife to help me out before I went to work, cut some up in the kid's cereal or something. I came home later in the day and they were still exactly where I left them that morning. I almost freaked right there in the kitchen." Combs confided that he is nearing the end of his rope. "I just don't know what to do any more. I just can't understand why they won't eat even a single bite. Now they are all brown and whatever and no one will eat them at this point. So I'm out like, seventy cents." Combs later confirmed that he may try bringing home another fruit and if the bananas are still on the counter in a few days he'll try and feed them to the dog.